Der Sieg des Glaubens
Director:Leni Riefenstahl
Related movies:
Featured in: Der gelbe Stern - Ein Film über die Judenverfolgung 1933-1945 (scenes shown), Le Führer (Clips of the film are featured.), Les Femmes dans le projet Nazi (clips are shown)
Followed by: Triumph des Willens , Tag der Freiheit - Unsere Wehrmacht
Plots: Der Sieg des Glaubens (English: The Victory of Faith, Victory of Faith, or Victory of the Faith) (1933) is the first propaganda film directed by Leni Riefenstahl. Her film recounts the Fifth Party Rally of the Nazi Party, which occurred in Nuremberg from 30 August to 3 September 1933. The film is of great historic interest because it shows Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm on close and intimate terms, before Röhm was shot on the orders of Hitler on the Night of the Long Knives in July 1934. All known copies of the film were destroyed on Hitler's orders, and it was considered lost until a copy turned up in the 1990s in the United Kingdom
Once considered lost for over sixty years, this found footage shows the early days of Nazi propaganda and the first filmed Reichsparteitag that shows the Nazi elite in all its splendour of jingoistic rhetoric. Once ordered by Hitler for all prints to be destroyed to vanquish all evidence of Ernst Röhm, this is pure Nazi ideology with all the Standard bearing, sycophantic worship that is demanded from this New World Order of the Third Reich Gleichschaltung.