The “The final solution to the Jewish question”
In 1933 the NSDAP and a group of the Zionist German Jewish community reached an agreement, encouraging 50,00 of the Jews living in Germany at that time to emigrate to Palestine. 100 million dollars (around $2,390,098,485 in 2024) of their wealth and possessions would also be taken care of at no cost to them whatsoever.
In his book The Transfer Agreement the Jewish author Edwin Black writes how the agreement “tore apart the Jewish world in the pre-World War II era”. In particular, it describes the conflict between, on one side, German Zionists and German-descended communal leaders in the US, who argued for the agreement, and, on the other side, the mainstream Eastern European-descended American Jewish Zionist leaders (such as the American Jewish Committee and Jewish War Veterans) who opposed the agreement and argued instead for a full boycott of exported German goods. The point above is very noteworthy, as Germany entered the war years more negotiations were made between the National Socialists and a Zionist and ultra-Orthodox Jewish collective headed up by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmand. Referenced in the book The Unheeded Cry by Abraham Fachs, an offer was made in 1942 to Weissmandl to stop all Jewish expulsions (except from Germany and the protectorate states of Bohemia and Moravia), and that a separate agreement could be reached with regards to the Jews held in Poland. The offer had allegedly come through Adolf Eichmann and direct from Henrich Himmler himself.
The price for their freedom was in between $2,000,000 – $3,000,000 to be deposited in Swiss accounts until the war had come to an end.
These offers were again rebuked by the American Jewish Zionist leaders.
According to The World Jewish Encyclopaedia 2.4 million Jews resided in the countries that Germany eventually occupied between 1939-1945 before the war broke out. This means even at the high end figure the price per person was a measly $1.25!
In conclusion if the American Jewish Zionist leaders had paid up, for the last 80 years it would not have been possible to live off the “6,000,000” narrative, to form the Zionist state of Israel in 1948, to illegally occupy and wage war on Palestine and other countries in the Middle East and to spin out the greatest lie in modern history known as “the Holocaust”.
More information on the Haavara Agreement can be found here.
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